Meet James...

I'm James, a passionate English teacher, and I specialise in helping people like you to improve your oral English. I can help you to improve your vocabulary and pronunciation as well as helping you sound more fluent and confident. To find out more, get my FREE ebook on how to speak English with confidence. You will also receive regular English materials and
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Speak English with Confidence ebook

You will learn tips tricks and proven methods for how you can make a difference in your oral English. You will learn to dramatically improve your vocabulary and how to sound more natural. Let me teach you my proven methods to improve your oral English. Sign up to get started

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    You will learn tips, tricks and proven methods about how you can make a difference in your oral English. You will learn to dramatically improve your vocabulary and how to sound more natural. 
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    Learn how to speak English with confidence, become more fluent and expand your vocabulary.

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